Freight Broker TMS

Solutions for brokerages big and small, with or without assets.

As a freight broker, your success depends on acquiring and retaining customers and carriers. Relationships matter. Revenova TMS enables your business to meet and exceed client and partner expectations at every turn.

Enhanced Workflows & Automated Capabilities

Our freight broker TMS was designed to streamline operations, eliminate redundant tasks, and boost profitability. Our platform provides you with an easy-to-use, engaging interface with many helpful partner integrations to make using it as seamless as possible. More than just TMS software for brokers, Revenova TMS comes equipped with unique tools for pricing, negotiation, carrier engagement, and even load tracking. For example, our platform integrates with LaneIQ, our proprietary lane-by-lane analysis tool that provides historical customer and carrier quotes for specific lanes to help you make the most informed decisions.

Our broker TMS also incorporates numerous automated functions, including the ability to send out automated quote requests with detailed load information and tender quotes to certain carriers. Freight broker TMS software should enable your entire team as well as your connected customers and partners, and that’s exactly what Revenova TMS does. With our cloud-based transportation management system for freight brokers, you can experience numerous benefits for your every process, including:


Increase Sales Velocity and Margin

  • Marketing profile and campaign management
  • Spot quote and RFP response management
  • Real-time market conditions and lane history
  • Embedded rating engine with markup strategies
  • Sales and marketing KPIs and analytics


Cover Loads Efficiently

  • Smart carrier matching, digital engagement and waterfall tender
  • Real-time market conditions/capacity availability
  • Spot rate predictions based on market pricing
  • Automate spot quote requests and load board postings
  • Implement routing guides with preferred carriers


Optimize Operations and Service

  • Configurable load consolidation and routing optimization
  • Rapid carrier onboarding and compliance monitoring
  • Real-time load tracking, ELD alerts and notifications
  • Check call queues and appointment scheduling
  • Dispatch drivers and manage assets


Designed for Collaboration

  • Real-time portals for customers, carriers, and partners
  • Private and shared social media-style interactions
  • Follow loads and supporting transactions of interest
  • Receive alerts when new comments appear
  • Real-time feed updates based on status changes


Streamline Settlements

  • AI-powered invoice document processing
  • Multi-channel billing (Email, EDI, Mail)
  • Automated freight bill auditing and approval workflow
  • Claims and dispute management
  • Accounting system support


Built for the Global Economy

  • Cloud application accessible anywhere
  • Multi-currency transaction support
  • Generate documents in required languages
  • Localize interfaces for international users
  • Comply with international data security standards

Unmatched Features & Advantages

The nature of transportation brokerage software has limited connectivity. You need a cloud-based solution to keep up with an evolving, global industry. We provide you with invaluable cloud-based tools that help you manage your logistics requirements. Track every load with visibility for traffic and weather, this TMS for freight brokers, provides accurate estimates and status updates on arrival times and the progress of your carriers. With all of these features at your fingertips, you’ll benefit in countless ways, including:


Customize Without Compromise

  • Metadata architecture ensures forward compatibility
  • Personalize user interfaces for unique business requirements
  • Configurable workflow and business rules
  • Develop plug-n-play extensions using platform tools and APIs
  • Add existing modules from the AppExchange


Lower IT Costs and Risk

  • Proven cloud platform with $4B annual R&D spend
  • Support for global compliance and security standards
  • Trusted by over 150,000 customers, including 90% of the Fortune 100
  • Seamless compatibility with Salesforce CRM and business applications
  • Open platform supported by 7,000+ app and service providers


Make Informed Decisions On Demand

  • AI-powered predictive analytics
  • Real-time reports with graphs and breakdowns
  • Dynamic KPI dashboards
  • Conditional approval processes and workflow
  • Drag-n-drop report and dashboard designer


Increase Back-Office Productivity

  • Automated rendition billing with document support
  • Calculate employee/partner commissions and driver pay
  • Manage fuel cards and electronic payment limits
  • Maintain employee profiles and incident tracking
  • Sync with popular accounting, payroll, and HR systems

Innovation vs. Integration

The innovative approach built into our TMS system for freight brokers makes all the difference when it comes to customizing every aspect of your operations. We understand your pain points are unique to your company, and we’ve worked tirelessly to make certain our solutions give you the flexibility to overcome them. We’re always working to improve and enhance what our TMS has to offer. This means you can rest assured our platform will continue to provide unparalleled service to boost your productivity and efficiency long after you’ve launched it.

Our partner integrations also make our solution stand out, providing you with expanded functionality to help you solve your logistical challenges seamlessly and without struggle. The advanced EDI capabilities it contains also provide an invaluable service for everyone, especially for carriers and shippers. If you have any questions about the capabilities of our transportation brokerage software or you’re interested in learning more, feel free to contact us today!


Built on the World’s #1 Cloud Platform

Revenova TMS runs on the Salesforce platform – Hyperforce. Trusted by over 150,000 customers worldwide, including 90% of the Fortune 100, Hyperforce is a secure, reliable, and open cloud platform with tools and APIs to develop and deploy enterprise-class business applications.

More Choices, More Innovation

Discover the benefits of digitally transforming your business with RevenovaTMS.

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