Revenova adds Comdata fuel cards to TMS
Chicago, Ill. – In Revenova’s Winter ’25 release, Revenova added Comdata’s fuel card capabilities to the transportation management system.
“That’s just an important part of the whole supply chain, really, is being able to put money in your driver’s pockets,” Liam Purcell, the Senior Product Manager who worked on the integration upgrade, said. “There’s a whole litany of use cases, whether that’s for actually paying them for what they’ve been doing, or to make sure they have the money to spend on fuel, to pay lumpers and whatever else comes up when you’re moving a load.”
Previously, Revenova’s integration with Comdata included ComChek electronic payment abilities, allowing one-time payments for specific scenarios.
“Managing all of those financial transactions related to a load from the same place within the TMS is really important,” Purcell added. “Having to jump to a bunch of different platforms to manage all of these financial transactions going in and out can be kind of hectic. We combine ComChek, those one time payments, and fuel cards all in the TMS and all related to the same system where you’re actually operating that load.”
Comdata has been an integration partner with Revenova since 2015, when ComCheks were first available in the TMS. Now, 10 years into the partnership, Revenova adding the Fuel Card capabilities only strengthens the relationship and improves the functionality in the single pane of glass that is Revenova TMS.
While the Fuel Card feature can be used by both brokers and carriers within Revenova TMS, this first iteration is geared more toward brokers, according to Purcell.
“The holistic management of your fuel cards is the big benefit,” Purcell said. “You’re getting a one stop shop for managing any financial transactions you might have with your driver, which in the past might have happened on two or three different screens. Now it’s all in the TMS, and you can do that from one concise place.”
About Comdata
Comdata Inc., a Corpay brand, is a leader and innovator in commercial payment solutions, driving actionable insights from spending data, building enhanced controls to protect clients’ interests, and positively impacting day-to-day operations for fleet owners and managers and drivers in the trucking industry. Founded in 1969 in Brentwood, Tennessee, Comdata has proudly supported the life-impacting trucking industry for over 50 years. To learn more, visit www.comdata.com.
The integration is included as part of the Winter ’25 release, available now to Revenova customers. To learn more about Revenova TMS, Request a Demo. Follow Revenova on LinkedIn, YouTube, and X for the latest updates and news about Revenova TMS, the original CRM-powered Transportation Management System.