Revenova enhances TMS for trucking companies, fleet operators

 In Featured, News, Press Release

Chicago, Ill. – Revenova, the industry’s biggest provider of CRM-powered transportation management systems, showcased powerful new workflow automation and tools for trucking companies and private fleet operators in its latest product release.  The Revenova TMS: Fleet Operations module, part of Revenova’s TMS suite, brings the power of the cloud-based Salesforce platform to the fleet space. Because of the CRM, Fleet Operations is designed to increase sales velocity, improve customer service, and increase operational efficiency while reducing IT administration and infrastructure costs.

Since Revenova’s inception. founders Charles Craigmile, Dave Craigmile, and Michael Horvath envisioned the Fleet Operations module for Revenova TMS.

“It’s really part of the original strategy of Revenova, which was to be this multimodal, multi business unit,” CEO Charles said. “We’re more than a TMS software technology provider to the logistics industry. We provide a cloud-based TMS app on the Salesforce platform bringing together the power of a CRM platform with everything necessary for a logistics company. Salesforce is the #1 cloud platform used for customer relationship management worldwide and known for its security, reliability, and performance. Our Fleet Operations module just adds to our suite of modules available with Revenova TMS.”

Over the past two years, Revenova’s executive team and Product Management team have worked alongside carriers and fleet operators to build the newest addition to Revenova TMS.

“We heard from a lot of customers and prospects with small to large fleets,” Dave Romanchuk, Director of Revenova’s Product Management team, said. “We tried to hammer on the new design the complexities of the day-to-day fleet manager. It includes a lot of automation as well. It has the ability to manage a lot of complex scenarios with different trucks and tractors and different trailers rather than different drivers, and marrying that all into a single view.”

Senior Product Manager Bruce Odum worked closely with CTO Dave Craigmile to create the product update. Together, the two put the fleet manager in the driver’s seat.

“You have to deliver your goods somehow, and every penny counts in transportation,” Odum said. “Anything that you can do to shave time and get the best route per mile, driver satisfaction, understanding where rest stops are, and proper fueling stations. Those are all extremely important. The ability to understand where your load is at, and, ‘Am I running into problems? Am I going to deliver on time?’ We built this module so fleet managers can see all their drivers, trucks, and trailers in one place. The bread and butter will be the realtime communication feature and planning trips from start to finish with as many legs as a load needs.”

“From the technical side, we built this from the ground up,” Dave Craigmile added. “We heard from customers running modern fleets and used their insights to create this. The infrastructure will make it easy for fleet managers and their companies to configure their operations to their own specs. Additionally, the visibility for all stakeholders will provide realtime notifications and a 360 view of their business.”

Historically, Revenova has catered mostly to freight brokers. However, many of those freight brokers have assets of their own.

“There are too many big brokerages that we walked into that had their truckload group on one system, LTL group on another system, drayage group on another system, fleet on another system, and their sales reps on another system,” Jeff Parisi, VP of Sales at Revenova, said. “Our goal is always to bring it together. We’ve brought on some larger customers that have more fleet needs, a diverse brokerage, and it’s just a natural fit to get to this point.”

Being built on the Salesforce platform allows for Revenova TMS users the flexibility and adaptability to build out their business and meet their diverse needs. As Horvath noted, the native connection between the TMS and CRM naturally boosts business for Revenova customers.

“With our Salesforce partnership and AppExchange marketplace presence, customers can put together whatever they need,” CMO Horvath said. “‘Hey, how can you automate my accounting department?’ or we can help with sales and marketing execution. With the Salesforce product suite, all these apps plug in together. Think of it like a Lego set approach. Salesforce is the platform. Add Revenova TMS: Brokerage. Add Revenova TMS: Fleet Operations. Add our analytics package. Add warehouse management with our partners at Akatia Technologies. Want to change a package you’re using? They’re easy to swap out with minimal disruptions.”

To see Revenova TMS: Fleet Operations in action, Request a Demo. If you’re already a Revenova user, request an update to version 7.12 to take full advantage of the newest features and the Fleet Ops module. Watch the video below to hear Charles Craigmile, Horvath, and Parisi discuss the release of the new Fleet Operations.

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